
AMNESTY means never having protected borders or immigration enforcement!
The so-called 'undocumented' are really 'highly documented' with fraudulent documents our government accepts.


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Monday, January 11, 2010

GUILTY PLEA: A former manager at Agriprocessors has pleaded guilty to helping illegal immigrants obtain fraudulent identification documents

GUILTY PLEA: A former manager at Agriprocessors has pleaded guilty to helping illegal immigrants obtain fraudulent identification documents.  A former manager at a kosher slaughterhouse in Iowa has admitted to helping illegal immigrants get fake documents one week before an immigration raid.
Former Agriprocessors, Inc. slaughterhouse manager Brent Beebe pleaded guilty Monday to one count of conspiracy to commit document fraud.
Beebe admitted in his plea that he served as a middleman on a loan for more than $4,000 from former manager Sholom Rubashkin to about 19 illegal immigrant employees to pay for new fake documents.
The Agriprocessors plant in Postville was the site of a massive immigration raid in May 2008.
Rubashkin was convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud in November. Beebe remains free on bond.

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