
AMNESTY means never having protected borders or immigration enforcement!
The so-called 'undocumented' are really 'highly documented' with fraudulent documents our government accepts.


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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Former Advisor to U.S. Attorney General Rides with Deputies in Maricopa County

Maricopa County, AZ -
Sheriff’s Deputies arrested 42 more illegal aliens in recent days under the direct observation of Kris Kobach, a nationally recognized expert on immigration law and border security.
The 42 arrests were the result of four separate vehicles discovered and stopped by the Sheriff’s Human Smuggling Unit that were being used to transport illegal aliens in recent days. The Sheriff’s smuggling unit has arrested 1,839 illegal aliens on felony human smuggling charges to date.
Kobach has stated to the Sheriff that he is overly impressed with the professionalism and expertise that deputies have displayed while carrying out the enforcement of all immigration laws during his visit.
Kobach was brought in by the Sheriff’s Office in order to utilize his expertise on a new program launched by Sheriff Arpaio Monday that will require all of the Sheriff’s sworn deputies to attend training in the enforcement of state and federal immigration laws.
The Sheriff’s new program will act as a tool for sworn deputies especially given the fact that over 100 federally trained deputies were stripped of their authority to act as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents recently because of the U.S Department of Homeland Security Department’s disapproval of the Sheriff’s controversial crime suppression operations.
“I don’t need the federal government’s approval to enforce immigration laws that already exist, and I intend to continue the fight on illegal immigration,” stated Sheriff Arpaio.
Critics of the Sheriff’s enforcement of immigration laws have long contended that deputies have no business arresting illegal aliens and that the duty should fall solely on the federal government.
Kobach disagrees and carries the opinion that local law enforcement officials not only have the inherent authority to arrest illegal aliens during the course of their regular operations, but that it is also their duty to do so.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

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